TD Terminal Dişi Grubu
TB Bayrak Terminal Grubu
TE Terminal Erkek Grubu
Terminal Şase Grubu
Terminal Çatal Grubu
TŞB Boru Tipi Terminal Grubu
TYD Terminal Yuvarlak Dişi Grubu
TYE Terminal Yuvarlak Erkek Grubu
TK Terminal Kurtağzı Grubu
TEK Ek Terminal Grubu
TBA Bakır Terminal Grubu
TÖZ Özel Terminal Grubu
TSAC Sac Terminal Grubu
 KD  Dişi Konnektör Serisi
KE Konnektör Erkek Serisi
KL Konnektör Klemens Serisi
KK Konnektör Kilitli Kılıf Serisi
K Konnektör Kılıfı Serisi
KF Konnektör Far Fişi Serisi
KR Role Ayağı
KYD Konnektör Yuvarlak Dişi Serisi
KYE Konnektör Yuvarlak Erkek Serisi
KB Konnektör Kutup Başı Serisi
TM Terminal Montaj Serisi
Terminal Standarts

Terminals are produced by using many different metals and alloys. The selection of appropriate metals ans alloys depends on both the terminal design and its intented applications. the metal and alloys used determine the efficiency and proporties of the contacts. tensile strength, elektric conductivity, corrosion and thermal performance are major criteria when it cones to rating diffrent applications. Brass, phosphor bronze, steel, copper, aluminium, German silver are common metals and alloys used.
Plating to improve resistance to corrosion of the terminal is doneç the mechanicel and electricial inteprity of terminals which also extend their application range for specific requirements. Plating is done either by pre-plating or post plating by electroplating system. the best plating system is electroplating. Plating coatings can be made in different thicknesses and brightness according to customer deman. Plating is possible in copper, tin, nickel, silver as well precious metals.

Application Data

Material & Plating Type Max. Temp Application Range
Brass (CuZn)
Unplated 110 ºC Only for favorable environmental conditions.Suspectible to corrosion.
Tin (Sn) plated 120 ºC Tin plated components perform well at higher temperatures and are resistant to corrosion.
Silver (Ag) plated 130 ºC Silver plated components are suitable for highest operating temperatures coupled with higher current loads for brass.
Phosphor bronze (CuSn)
Unplated 120 ºC Under corrosive conditions more stable than brass..
Tin (Sn) plated 130 ºC Tin plated components offer improved resistance to corrosion at higher temperatures.
Silver (Ag) plated 150 ºC Silver plated components are suitable for highest operatin temperatures coupled with higher current loads for phosphor bronze.
German Silver (CuNiZn) Good resistance to corrosion. Stronger thant brass. High electric resistance, low thermal conductivity..
Unplated 220 ºC
Steel (St) Nickel plated steel components produce the most reliable connections at higher temperatures..
Nickel (Ni) plated 300 ºC
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